Rare Earth Elements (REE) & Rencana Tambang Gamping Di Kab. Matim

Oleh: Servas Pandur (Direktur Risk Consulting Group [RCG], Jakarta)


Dari analisa 133 poin spesimen Homo Floresiensis, ahli Australian National University (ANU) menyimpulkan, Homo floresiensis (“Hobit” karena postur kecil) – mirip Homo habilis di Afrika 2,4 juta – 1,6 juta tahun silam. Homo Floresiensis merupakan “sister species” Homo habilis dan menempati posisi lebih tua dalam pohon evolusi manusia—asal-usul DNA Homo Sapiens di planet Bumi. (Mike Lee dkk, 2017).


Earth Observatory-NASA (2004) sangat rinci menulis : “Formally named Homo floresiensis and affectionately nicknamed “hobbits,” these diminutive hominins (a term that includes all human species and our immediate ancestors) lived on Flores between 38,000 and 18,000 years ago, and probably lived there for a longer time.”


Earth Observatory NASA (2004) menambahkan : “Archeologists and biologists have been interested in Flores for some time because of its physical and ecological isolation during the last 2.6 million years. Unlike the islands of Sumatra and Java to the west, Flores was not connected by land bridges to Asia or Australia at times of low sea level, and therefore were not colonized by Asian land animals.”

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