Rektor IFTK Ledalero RP. Dr. Otto Gusti, SVD Raih Penghargaan The Best Paper HAM Internasional
Laporan Wall Abulat (Wartawan Pojokbebas dan Florespos.net)
2022 : Co-Researcher, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. (Title: Religion and Human Rights: Pedagogical
Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education in Indonesia)
2019 : Postdoctoral Research, the Asia Institute, The University of
Melbourne (Funded by Bimas Katolik).
2014 : Postdoctoral Research, Institute of Philosophy of Munich,
Germany (Funded by DAAD, German Academic Exchange
2013 : Co-Researches, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. (Title of Research Project: Power, Welfare and
Engagement and Membership
2011- Present : Social worker, Truk-F (Tim Relawan Kemanusiaan Flores,
Voluntary Group for Humanity, Flores). Truk F is an NGO that
provides advocacy for the rights of women
2014- Present : Member of AFTI (Asosiasi Filsafat dan Teologi Indonesia,
Association of Indonesian Philosophers and Theologians)
2000-2001 : Pastoral Counselling for the marginalized, Centre of Human