Rektor IFTK Ledalero RP. Dr. Otto Gusti, SVD Raih Penghargaan The Best Paper HAM Internasional
Laporan Wall Abulat (Wartawan Pojokbebas dan Florespos.net)
(Politics and Violence. A Comparative Study of Jűrgen Habermas and
Giorgio Agamben).
1994-1999 : Master of theology, Institute of Philosophy and Theologiy, St. Gabriel,
Mődling bei Wien, Austria
1994-1995 : German Language Course, Goethe Institute, Viena, Austria
1991-1994 : Bachelor of Philosophy, Ledalero Catholic School of Philosophy,
Flores, Indonesia
Relevant Work Experience
Academic Teaching and Positions
2022- Present : Rector, Ledalero Institute of Philosophy and Creative
Technology, Flores, Indonesia
2018-2022 : Dean, Ledalero Catholic School of Philosophy, Flores
2014-2018 : Vice-Dean, Ledalero Catholic School of Philosophy, Flores
2008-Present : Lecturer, Ledalero Institute of Philosophy and Creative
Technology, Flores. Subjects taught include: Political
Philosophy, Theories of Democracy, Human Rights
2023 : Post-Doctoral Research, Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne (Funded by Bimas Katolik)