Rektor IFTK Ledalero RP. Dr. Otto Gusti, SVD Raih Penghargaan The Best Paper HAM Internasional
Laporan Wall Abulat (Wartawan Pojokbebas dan Florespos.net)
Head of The Law and Human Rights Policy Strategi Agency, Dr. Y. Ambeg Paramarta.

Profil Otto Gusti Madung
Nama Lengkap: Dr. Otto Gusti Ndegong Madung, PhD
Ledalero Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Maumere 86152
Flores – Indonesia
Email: ottomadung@gmail.com Phone: +62 81237173271
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-8598-3509
- Name : Otto Gusti Ndegong Madung
- Gender : Male
- Place and date of birth : Lengko Elar, 20 May 1970
- Citizenship : Indonesia
- Religion : Roman Catholic
- Adress : Seminari Tinggi St. Paulus Ledalero, Maumere 86152 Flores, INDONESIA
- Marriage Status : Not married
Tertiary Education
2017- 2018 : English Language course, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
(RMIT), Melbourne
2001-2008 : PhD, Institute of Philosophy, Munich, Germany, Thesis: ‘Politik
und Gewalt. Giorgio Agamben und Jűrgen Habermas im Vergleich’